This #GE2020 Talk About Philanthropy
As a society we all benefit from philanthropy. Almost €1bn of private resources in the form of donations and philanthropy goes to the not for profit sector in Ireland. Philanthropy Ireland members alone, disburse over €200m in funding annually. But it can do some much more.
We need a policy and regulatory environment that enables philanthropy to grow and develop for even greater impact and reach. Ireland currently stands in contrast to other countries by having no direct stimulus to grow philanthropy.
Philanthropy is not, and never will be a substitute for public investment, most big issues need government intervention to address. But philanthropy can work very effectively when collaborating with government. It does not have to be either or, philanthropy or government, it can be both, maximising opportunity for real impact.
Enabling philanthropy sends clear messaging on the values we place on doing good and our collective responsibility to input to society.
In the run up to General Election 2020, Philanthropy Ireland is asking you to demonstrate belief in philanthropy by asking your local candidates:
Are you committed to enabling and supporting the growth of philanthropy in Ireland through policy supports?
In Philanthropy Ireland’s Alliance for Philanthropy we highlight four recommendations for general election candidates and policy makers to consider.

Read Philanthropy Ireland’s Philanthropy Manifesto — For a Better Ireland